The Yearbook World of Scott Geesey

from Scott Geesey, CJE, Affiliated with Jostens Yearbooks but Tips for ANY School

Files Available for Download (some of these are up to 10 years old but still filled with great ideas)


Need some story ideas for your staff to cover? How about three pages worth???

Click here to download the PDF file, find the story ideas you like best, then tell the stories of YOUR school..


Here's a great Powerpoint file from Jostens on improving your yearbook photography, ALWAYS an important ingredient of EVERY yearbook!

Click here to download the Powerpoint file - note that it's a pretty big file.


What makes for a great yearbook? The experts at Jostens give you the rundown...

Click here to download the information in a PDF file. The judges at Jostens who select the information that appears in each year's exclusive Gotcha Covered Look Book list the four major areas that THEY look at to determine a terrific yearbook.


What are the stories your yearbook staff will cover this year?

Click here to download the information in a Word file. There are the obvious stories covered every year, but there are far more stories out there to add more complete coverage and spice to your book. Print out this file, give one to every staff member and have them fill them out with ideas. Gather up the sheets and compile the mass list. You'll have the usual repeaters but you'll also have many story ideas that didn't occur to other people. It's a great brainstorming exercise that will definitely improve your yearbook.


Want to run an original fundraiser, tired of the same old things? Check out this file...

Click here to download the information in a PDF file. There are TONS of great fundraiser ideas out there, some just take some creativity. If you're tired of the 'same old same old' check out this file from a Jostens friend in California for some inspiration.


Find out how to make a cool modular page design easily and quickly - your readers will thank you for it for years to come!

Click here to download the PDF file. Your staff can be creating pages filled with a variety of images and lots of great info!

Or for Jostens schools, utilize the modular creation tools for both YearTech Online and YearTech software - it's never been easier to go modular!


Consider using a chronological format to make your yearbook more interesting - and your job a lot easier!

Click here to download a 12-page brochure with all the basics on the chronological format. For even more information and materials, log onto your Yearbook Avenue website and go to the Digital Classroom and use the search bar to look for more on chronological yearbooks. You may wonder why you've never done chronological before!


Get your yearbook effort off to a great start - The First 30 Days are the key!!

Click here to download the check off form! Do these tasks and you're off to a flying start!!


Want to improve your business ad sales campaign? Or perhaps start one? From Jostens and me, below are files for all aspects of your successful campaign. These are Word documents and one PDF file...