The Yearbook World of Scott Geesey

from Jostens Yearbooks of central/northern Pennsylvania


YEARBOOK LOVE MAGAZINE: Some Great Ideas and Material in the Latest Issue

Hello! Yikes, it was cold last weekend! Nearly everyone had a "snow day" last Friday for the extreme cold, escept my own home school of Penns Valley who tried their first-ever three hour delay. The buses worked, the heat in the buildings worked - maybe they made the right call??

Thankfully we didn't get the blizzard and storm surge received on the East Coast. Living in central PA is pretty good. But I heard from a friend in Wisconsin over the weekend - a frigid -23F there without the wind chill. At my house Sunday morning it was only -8. Again, life here isn't so bad.

The fall issue of Yearbook Love magazine is worth your attention...

High school advisers, right before the Christmas break you should have received your copy of the fall issue of Yearbook Love magazine from Jostens. .

Hopefully you know about our creative website,, which features a ton of great information to help you improve your entire yearbook effort. Last year we renamed our awesome semi-annual A&S magazine to give you even more Yearbook Love in a paper and ink version.

And I really like the stories featured in this magazine, which goes out to more advisers everywhere than any other similar publication. What are some of the highlights?

TOP 10 TIPS: As we get the new year rolling (without interruptions for extreme cold,) check out the ten quick tips to improve your entire yearbooking effort.

My favorite is #9, Own Social Media. This is something that most yearbook staffs still don't do. Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, or maybe even all of them. Social media is where students live today so let's reach them there.

BETTER YEARBOOK PROGRAM: Here's a great article about how a staff in North Carolina has slowly changed the game over the last five years. Check out all the different facets covered and how students picked up more ownership of their own effort.

YEARBOOK IS FUN: The story headline says "one adviser's secret weapon." It's been my cardinal rule of yearbooking from the beginning. And here's a story of a staff in Texas who clearly has a great time which creating a great book. I love their large group photo across the gutter on pages 8-9. Read over the story and pick up their tips to improve your own staff's efforts.

IN THE KNOW: Here's an important story to read and keep on the bulletin board. Learn and remember some of the key elements of yearbooking, especially some important legal decisions and what they mean for what you cover in the book. An absolute keeper.

USING A DUOTONE: For Photoshop users here's an easy how-to on creating a duotone effect with images, giving a different look on your pages. Its's easy to do and looks really cool.

CONTEST WINNERS: Check out some of the top placers for last year's page design contests for both InDesign and YearTech Online. WOW, these are GREAT spreads, congrats to the winners.

And we also introduce last year's 2017 Jostens Yearbook Scholarship winners. Read about them and what they did to earn the prestigious honor. Then challenge your own students - YOU can do this too!

CAM WISDOM: And as always, get some great ideas from our three awesome Jostens Creative Accounts Managers - John Cutsinger, Tina Cleavelin and Jeff Moffitt. Each writes a feature article on one aspect of yearbooking that you can do to improve your own book.

Our Yearbook Love magazine is by far the best in the business - not dry and dull, filled with great stylish ideas that you and your staff can utilize right away. Feel the love!