The Yearbook World of Scott Geesey

from Jostens Yearbooks of central/northern Pennsylvania


THE NEW YBA SURVEY TOOL: Easy, Unbelievable, and ALL YOURS!

Hello! Perhaps I'll see your principal or administrator at the annual state principals conference in State College on Monday. After our succesful cyberbullying conference last month we have more great material for attendees Monday.

Some fall sports teams have now concluded their seasons - do YOU have enough images of your teams? Sure hope so, otherwise it's time to put the word out to the community to help you out with pictures. What's the best way to do that? Your new exclusive website - are YOU promoting it? Let's use this fantastic new tool to help your effort.

Students love surveys, and now you can make them easier than ever...

We at Jostens pride ourselves as the innovators in the yearbook industry. We come up with great tools and ideas, then our competitors try to copy us. It's been that way for years.

This year we've introduced the cool new website, your yearbook's digital companion designed to help you and your staff this year while being preserved for years to come. While other companies are fooling with QR codes that may be extinct in just a few years, ReplayIt is designed to last a VERY long time. And it's FREE, unlike one company who was charging for their QR codes last year even though you can easily create them online for nothing. What's up with that?

And now another new innovation from Jostens has been debuted, the easy to use surveying tool via your Yearbook Avenue website.

Students love surveys. It's their chance to offer input on a subject, make their voice heard. Some yearbooks do surveys like senior superlatives or basic questions to the entire student body, but it was always a hassle counting the votes or even holding the vote and gathering the results.

No more. The new Yearbook Avenue Survey tool makes it easy to produce a poll or survey, as long or short as you want, and YBA even handles the vote tabulation! Make as many polls or surveys as you wish, each linked to your own unique web address so that anyone can easily answer your poll or survey.

Want an example of this fantastic new tool? I've created my own survey and I'd like my Jostens advisers to take just a few moments and check it out...

You can even create your own customized web address name if you wish, along with the look and style of your creation. And for QR code lovers you can even create a free QR code via the tool to post wherever. In fact here it is, the survey I made for use with smartphones...

QR Code

The new YBA survey tool is simple to use, takes just minutes and kids will love it. But there's automatically tabulates all votes, you don't have to lift a pen. And you can even print out reports if you wish, in various files like PDFs, Excel, Word, even a PowerPoint presentation. Coming soon, YBA will even create custom graphics for you from your results that you can use on your yearbook pages for both YearTech software and YearTech Online schools. Any Jostens school, all the way down to small elementaries, now has the Survey tool on their Yearbook Avenue website.

Now, I'm always looking for new ideas or new ways to utilize Jostens tools, so here's one - your new YBA Survey tool could be used for ANY school polls or surveys, not just for yearbook. Maybe other teachers would have a use for this, or your administrator is looking for an easy way to surveys parents about school initiatives, or even your school board could use a custom survey or poll. You can create as many as you wish during the year, so why not spread the wealth?

For my advisers, at the very least please take the time to check out this amazing new fully developed tool. Look over the quick start guide I have emailed to you; if it's a bit much I bet you have a smart yearbook staffer who would jump on this immediately. But I created my survey above in minutes, it's really easy.

The best tools and best innovation still comes from your trusted partner, Jostens. Be sure to check this one out, it's SO cool!

Is your yearbook staff using a cool Jostens Yearbook Widget to showcase some of your work, along with including quick links for buying your book or sharing images with you? Below is my own fun yearbook widget - ask me today about how to start yours. It's FREE, easy to use and could bring your yearbook effort some big dividends!